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Joel & Melissa Williams Serving in Mexico

Scott & Casey Tuminello Serving in Europe

Ryan & Michelle Tankersley Serving in Japan

Adam & Christa Serving in South Asia

Jared & Jennifer Serving in Asia Pacific Rim

T&R M&D M&K R&R Dr. Clara Serving in closed countries

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Jamie & Aarica Myers Airforce Chaplain

Mark & Ammie Phillips Serving in Madagascar

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Ryan & Terra Lindsey Serving in Europe

David & Robin Serving in Asia Pacific Rim

Marty & Chandler Serving in Tanzania

Randall & Luda Ford Serving in Jerusalem

Elisa serving with Barnabas International

may Focus: deaf affinity

Mission Emphasis is the Deaf Affinity

The Deaf Affinity doesn’t have a specific area of the world as do the other Affinities of the IMB. Deaf and hard-of-hearing peoples live in an invisible world of stereotypes. More than 200 distinct sign languages have common roots that enable the Deaf to communicate cross-culturally, but most in the approximately 70-million-person global Deaf community have never seen Jesus's name signed. Often ignored and oppressed, the Deaf are some of the least evangelized people on earth.

How a Deaf person experiences life depends greatly upon where they live. The 394,000 Deaf Afghans of Afghanistan face significant challenges. There are not enough resources and support for the Deaf community in Afghanistan, and often, especially in rural villages, Deaf people are considered to be mentally disabled and are not given the same opportunities as others. They may even be shunned by the community and their families. Deaf girls can be viewed as unfit for marriage, and boys are forced into hard labor occupations. The Deaf in Afghanistan use Afghani Sign Language to communicate, and they practice Sunni Islam. There are no known believers among this people group, no churches, and no resources in their language. The Deaf need Jesus! Please pray that God will open doors for the gospel to reach Deaf people of Afghanistan. Pray for additional qualified Afghani Sign language interpreters across the country to provide more support in all areas of life for the hearing-impaired community. Pray that God will provide opportunities for Deaf people in villages to form relationships with believers and receive physical and spiritual help.

Please pray for more IMB Missionaries and national Deaf partners to join efforts to ensure that all will encounter the gospel and have an opportunity to know the Savior.